Oil on Canvas
24 X 36 inches
Php. 45,000
There is a harmonious effect to this style, very much like what makes up the diverse colors and groups of Mindanao.

Rodin’s Le Penseur
When it comes to investigating new concepts or ideas, the human mind can be torpid at times, as seen in Rodin's Le Penseur. It shuts the door on all options and settles into its own set of thinking or views. The psychological mind clings to casuistic and ready-made explanations on things that are beyond its empirical experience, rather than maximizing cognitive power to understand and find the unknown facts of the world or the universe.
the tenderness of dying (2013)

The Tenderness of Dying is about how a man can only take his existence and the existence of others seriously with the utmost respect, devotion, and responsibility if death is present. Every death, like every life, is a meeting with others that creates transcendent value and significance for everyone to safely move from this life to the other side of the world. Man is compelled by the unchanging state of death to make his and others' lives more bearable and meaningful. A just society fosters the purpose and meaning of individual existence in the service of humanity's highest good, continually striving and aspiring to what is worth living or dying for.

Kuaman's Resurrection
Acrylic on canvas
The artist shows an epic saint charging from an open sky, his long, wild hair spilling in the breeze. Appearing to hit with lightning that issues forward from his hands and feet individuals on the ground, he is god-like in extents and unmistakable for his wonderful power. Sitting on a flying hut is a rooster with a rich plumage. "My deep interest and concern about these issues made me realize that my study needs to push through, continue, or perpetuate the meaning, values, and tradition of our indigenous people presented in the epic", says the artist.​​

Mindanao is a region rich in arts, cultures, traditions, and ethnic groups making it a powerhouse in terms of arts and cultures. In Mindanao, there are many forms of arts; Visual, Musical, Dance, and more. I’d like to encourage young generations and aspiring artists to take a look and appreciate the wonders of arts in Mindanao. An example of contemporary art from Mindanao is an artwork/painting named Salaam (Peace) by Rameer Tawasil.
In this piece by Rameer Tawasil, the colors and symbolization of his works are exquisite. You can see behind all the peacefulness there is chaos but peace still prevailed. Many of his works are inspired by peace because he is an advocate for peace and the environment. Many more artists from Mindanao each have unique styles in approaching the works they are creating. Rameer is a Tausug-Zamboangeño thus making many many many artists from Mindanao each one unique. In art, there are no limitations on what you can and cannot do. That’s why we should explore, seek and acknowledge the many forms of arts in Mindanao. Mindanao can provide us with many inspirations, knowledge and deepen or sharpen our skills in arts. Learning more forms of arts is essential for young aspiring artists.